Why Is Valorant Using So Much Gpu? – Factors And Solutions

Are you a gamer who’s noticed your GPU working overtime while playing Valorant? Well, you’re not alone! Valorant has a thirst for graphics processing power that leaves even the most potent GPUs gasping for breath. But why is this happening?

Valorant uses so much GPU due to High graphics settings, demanding visual effects, and potential optimization issues in the game’s code. 

In this article, we will delve into the world of Valorant and explore the reasons behind its insatiable appetite for GPU resources.

Factors Contributing To Valorant’s High Gpu Usage:

Valorant's High Gpu Usage
Source: windowsreport

1. Graphical Fidelity:

Valorant’s stunning graphics demand high GPU usage due to its visually impressive design, intricate textures, detailed character models, and dynamic lighting effects.

The game’s commitment to graphical fidelity ensures a visually engaging experience, optimizing GPU resources for seamless frame rates, quick response times, and smooth gameplay during intense moments like firefights. 

The realistic character designs, weapon models, and intricate maps highlight Valorant’s emphasis on delivering a high-quality visual experience, contributing to increased GPU usage for real-time rendering of complex graphics.

2. Anti-Cheat Measures:

Valorant’s high GPU usage is significantly influenced by its advanced anti-cheat system, Vanguard, implemented by Riot Games.

To ensure a fair gaming environment, Vanguard operates in the background, employing continuous scans for suspicious activities or unauthorized programs on players’ computers. 

This vigilant monitoring places a substantial demand on GPU resources, aiming to detect and prevent cheating promptly.

While this robust security measure is commendable, players with lower-end GPUs may need help to meet the game’s and Vanguard’s demanding requirements.

3. High Refresh Rate Support:

Valorant’s high GPU usage is influenced by its support for high refresh rates (144Hz or 240Hz), demanding substantial processing power to render numerous frames per second.

The game’s visually stunning effects and graphics settings, including dynamic lighting and detailed textures, increase GPU strain for consistent frame rates. 

Additionally, the complexity of Valorant’s maps, with intricate layouts and interactive elements, further intensifies GPU usage, making Valorant visually impressive but GPU-intensive.

4. Optimization Challenges:

Valorant’s GPU usage is impacted by optimization challenges, given its online multiplayer nature, fast-paced action, and detailed graphics.

Striking a balance between visual appeal and smooth performance across various hardware poses a challenge for developers.

The game’s anti-cheat software, Vanguard, further contributes to increased GPU usage by running continuously in the background to ensure fair gameplay.

Despite optimization challenges on specific hardware, ongoing updates aim to address issues and enhance overall performance.

5. Future-Proofing:

By extensively utilizing GPU power, Valorant ensures long-term relevance and visual excellence. This forward-thinking approach enables the game to seamlessly adapt to future technological advancements, like new graphics cards and processors, without compromising performance or visuals.

Riot Games aims to leverage the capabilities of modern GPUs, ensuring Valorant remains cutting-edge as technology evolves, potentially contributing to the perception of increased GPU usage.”

Potential Solutions For Optimizing Gpu Usage In Valorant:

1. Graphics Settings Customization:

Graphics Settings Customization:
Source: amd

Lowering Graphics Settings Is Crucial For Optimizing GPU Usage:

  • Reduce texture quality, shadows, and effects.
  • Results in smoother gameplay by reducing GPU strain.

Third-Party Software Can Aid In Optimizing GPU Settings For Valorant:

  • Analyzes hardware capabilities.
  • Automatically adjusts graphics settings for maximum performance.
  • Adjust the gameplay to achieve optimal performance without compromising significant visual quality..

2. Resolution Adjustment:

  • Lowering the resolution can reduce GPU strain.
  • Improves game efficiency and smoothness.
  • Trade-off: Sacrifice some visual detail for better performance.

System-specific Optimization:

  • Recognize that what works for one player may not be best for another.
  • Tailor graphical settings to match your hardware capabilities.
  • Finding the right combination enhances overall game performance.

3. Driver Updates:

One potential solution for optimizing GPU usage in Valorant is regularly updating your graphics driver. Graphics drivers are responsible for translating the game’s instructions into signals that your GPU understands.

Keeping these drivers current is essential because developers often release new driver versions that include performance optimizations tailored explicitly for certain games.

By updating your graphics driver, you can ensure that your GPU runs on the latest software and takes advantage of any optimization improvements.

4. Vanguard Exclusions:

Vanguard is the anti-cheat system Riot Games uses to ensure fair gameplay, but it can sometimes cause performance issues.

Players can reduce GPU usage and improve overall performance by excluding specific applications or processes from being monitored by Vanguard.

5. Background Applications Management:

Various programs and applications often run in the background of our computer, consuming valuable system resources, including GPU power.

Players can free up additional GPU capacity by closing unnecessary background applications before launching Valorant.

6. Overclocking Considerations:

Boosting the clock speed of your GPU through overclocking can enhance its performance, improving your gaming experience.

However, caution is crucial, as overclocking may raise the GPU’s temperature and power consumption. It’s essential to thoroughly investigate your graphics card model and adhere to recommended guidelines to avoid potential damage.

7. Monitor Refresh Rate Alignment:

Some users may consider overclocking to boost GPU performance, but caution is needed to avoid instability or damage. It’s essential to follow safe practices and monitor temperatures.

In Valorant, optimizing GPU usage involves aligning the game’s frame rate cap with your monitor’s refresh rate. This ensures smoother and more efficient frame rendering by fully utilizing the GPU.

If your monitor has a high refresh rate of 144Hz, but your frame rate cap is set at 60FPS, then your GPU will not be fully utilized. Matching the frame rate cap to your monitor’s refresh rate allows the GPU to render frames more smoothly and efficiently.

8. Developer Patches And Updates:

Developer Patches And Updates:
Source: icts.uct.ac

It is essential to stay informed about official developer releases. Game developers consistently issue patches and updates to tackle performance issues and enhance resource efficiency.

Remaining current with Valorant’s official patch notes can offer valuable information about potential solutions and optimizations.

9. Turn Off High Precision Event Timer (HPET):

System timer provides more precise timing than traditional timers used by the operating system for various time-related functions.

Performance Impact And User Reports:

  • Some users report that disabling HPET can enhance overall performance.
  • Particularly noted for reducing GPU usage in games like Valorant.

Disabling HPET Process:

  • Access BIOS settings on your computer.
  • Locate the option related to HPET and turn it off.

Potential Benefits Of Disabling HPET:

  • Decreased input lag observed.
  • Smoother gameplay reported.
  • GPU can allocate more resources to rendering frames.

Note On Variability:

  • Results may vary based on individual system configurations.
  • Experimentation is recommended if experiencing high GPU usage in Valorant.


In conclusion, the elevated GPU usage in Valorant can be ascribed to various factors. Firstly, the game’s sophisticated graphics and visual effects demand significant processing power.

Secondly, the competitive nature of Valorant mandates a seamless and responsive gaming experience, intensifying the load on the GPU.

Thirdly, frequent updates and patches may introduce new features or optimizations that escalate GPU usage.

Additionally, players need to ensure that their systems meet minimum requirements and are properly optimized to maximize performance in Valorant.

By comprehending these factors and undertaking the necessary measures to optimize hardware and settings, players can enjoy a smoother gaming experience without compromising performance.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. Will Excessive GPU Usage In Valorant Harm My Computer?

No, unless your computer is overheating due to poor cooling or insufficient power supply, the heavy GPU usage in Valorant should not cause any harm.

2. Is It Normal For Other Games To Use Less GPU than Valorant?

Yes, different games have varying levels of resource requirements based on their design and optimization techniques. Some games may use less GPU compared to Valorant.

3. Should I Upgrade My Hardware If Valorant Uses Too Much Gpu?

If you are experiencing significant performance issues or desire a smoother gaming experience with higher graphical settings, upgrading your hardware (GPU or CPU) could help improve performance in Valorant.

4. Can Playing Valorant With A Mismatched Monitor Refresh Rate Affect Performance?

A mismatch between the in-game frame rate and monitor refresh rate can lead to screen tearing and unnecessary strain on the GPU. 

5. How Do I Know If Valorant Is Using An Excessive Amount Of Gpu Resources On My System?

Monitoring tools like Task Manager (Windows) or Activity Monitor (Mac) can provide real-time insights into GPU usage. If Valorant consistently uses a high percentage of GPU resources, it might indicate that optimization strategies need to be considered.